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A mother smiles with her two toddlers while outside at a park

Mother’s EveryDay

Mothers are many things. Caretakers, role models, dreamers, and doers. Get resources and research made for every City mom here.

A mother and her two young daughters push a stroller down the sidewalk

You care for them.
We care for you.

Great things happen when health care puts people first. How do we know? We’ve been doing it since 1985. At MetroPlusHealth, we are on a mission to take on the City’s greatest health challenges. Including maternal health. We stand united in giving all moms, caretakers and pregnant people equal access to compassionate care.

Two women look at their phones while waiting for a train to come in a subway station

Insights you can read between subway stops

Fresh perspectives on wellness, parenting, and life in NYC.

Line drawings of different types of moms

We asked 1,000+ people about NYC moms.

Here’s what they said.

A mother and daughter color together on the couch

Mother’s EveryDay in the news

MetroPlusHealth launches campaign to bring attention to the year-round need for free and low-cost health care for birthing people

Two women smile as they look at a sonogram image

Pregnancy: What’s normal? What’s not?

A small child wraps their arms around their mother while she is working on a tablet and computer

What we’re doing takes a village

Join us across social media as we start thoughtful conversations about health,
NYC and everything in between.

Still from a facebook video of a woman speaking to the camera
@metroplushealth How and when should you talk about sex with your kids? Watch Health Care in :60 with Keisha Daniels. Through her work with many community organizations, Keisha Daniels, Brand Partnerships and Experiential Marketing Manager, has learned….
Still from a video on youtube with a mother and child looking at sidewalk chalk
@HHCMetroPlusHealth What’s the best part about our Mother’s EveryDay Campaign? We worked with real MetroPlusHealth employees and their families to show what it’s like to be an NYC mom. Watch this behind the scenes video featuring interviews with our team about what Mother’s Day and this campaign mean to them.

Health care for NYC moms, by NYC moms.

Did you know 80% of women make care decisions in the home? But, they only make up 30% of the C-Suite team at health care companies. Not here.

At MetroPlusHealth, our CEO is a mother. Our leadership team is 65% women. All are proud New Yorkers. Just like you. We believe care improves when decision makers reflect the people they serve.

Since 1985, we’ve offered plans made just for NYC. Today, over 700,000 New Yorkers trust us with what matters most: their health. Our team is here to make compassionate care truly accessible to all.

Moms deserve more. We offer:

$0 Primary Care Physician$0 Telehealth
$0 OBGYN$0 Mental health support
$0 Pediatrician$0 Therapist/psychologist
$0 Newborn home visiting services$0 Anxiety screenings
$0 Breastfeeding support$0 Depression screenings
$0 Nurse family partnership$0 Preventive intervention
$0 Personal nurse$0 Counseling and support
$0 Comadres$0 Crisis intervention
last updated: May 4, 2023

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Monday–Saturday | 8 a.m.–6 p.m. (ET)
Sunday | 9 a.m. –5 p.m. (ET)