Reimbursement Information
MetroPlusHealth is here to help.
Getting Reimbursed is simple.
If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, or new loss of taste or smell, you should act as if you have COVID. Talk to your doctor to find out what he/she recommends. Remember, unless you have life-threatening circumstances such as difficulty breathing that require calling 911 or going to an emergency department, stay home and call your doctor’s office to discuss your symptoms before going to a healthcare facility, ER or testing site. This helps prevent the spread of the virus.
If you need additional information regarding COVID-19, you can call your doctor or the NYC Health and Hospital Hotline at
If you are sick with any of the symptoms above, you must stay inside and quarantine yourself from others. This means you do not go to work, school, or ride public transit. Ask someone else to buy groceries for you or order delivery of food/groceries. For more information about food access, visit
While at home, stay as far away from the people you live with as is possible. Do not share personal items, like dishes, towels, or bedding, with others. Cover your mouth and nose when around others by wearing a mask. Wash your hands frequently and clean all surfaces you touch with household cleaning spray. To learn how to select, properly wear, clean and store masks click here:
Reimbursement Information
Questions about Reimbursement?
COVID-19 changed life around us and has had a tremendous impact here in New York City. We know that you have questions about the virus and its variants (Delta, Omicron) and how it can affect you and your family.
COVID-19 Symptoms
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How can I safely see a doctor for normal health concerns?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pretium metus odio, et finibus tortor porttitor eu. Sed vitae felis eu nibh ullamcorper faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce laoreet hendrerit augue nec ullamcorper. Nunc bibendum pulvinar purus. Aliquam nec odio elit. Integer ullamcorper nulla sit amet sem molestie vulputate. Nullam commodo mattis tortor,
How does COVID-19 spread?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pretium metus odio, et finibus tortor porttitor eu. Sed vitae felis eu nibh ullamcorper faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce laoreet hendrerit augue nec ullamcorper. Nunc bibendum pulvinar purus. Aliquam nec odio elit. Integer ullamcorper nulla sit amet sem molestie vulputate. Nullam commodo mattis tortor,
Who is at risk for COVID-19?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pretium metus odio, et finibus tortor porttitor eu. Sed vitae felis eu nibh ullamcorper faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce laoreet hendrerit augue nec ullamcorper. Nunc bibendum pulvinar purus. Aliquam nec odio elit. Integer ullamcorper nulla sit amet sem molestie vulputate. Nullam commodo mattis tortor,
What should people do to stay safe?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pretium metus odio, et finibus tortor porttitor eu. Sed vitae felis eu nibh ullamcorper faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce laoreet hendrerit augue nec ullamcorper. Nunc bibendum pulvinar purus. Aliquam nec odio elit. Integer ullamcorper nulla sit amet sem molestie vulputate. Nullam commodo mattis tortor,
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